Original BC Triple S Trainer Black White Red was released on Sep 21 2017, product code: 483513-W06E1-1000. Market price is $850.
You can find high quality UA BC Triple S Trainer Black White Red for sale on our site, with cheap price and worldwide fast shipping.
It's made of the same materials with the authentic BC Triple S Trainer Black White Red, you can check the materials.
Our items are 1:1 high quality, made of same materials with authentic items.
The pictures on our sites are real photos of samples in our warehouses, that taken by ourselves. Due to the conditions of light and background, they might look a little different from what they really do in the real world. Each item is inspected before shipment to ensure the highest quality standards. Quality and good service is our primary priority.
Shipping Notice:
Order Confirmed: within 24 hours.
Processing Time: Your item will be shipped out within 2-3 business days.
Shipping Time: 7-10 business days
Total Delivery Time = Order Confirmed + Processing Time + Shipping Time
This model base on EU size, you need to convert your normal size to EU size
100% Customers recommend this product
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